Maralal, Samburu

Strategic Plan 2019-2023 Launch

It was an honor to have hosted the Rt. Hon. Kenneth M. Lusaka, EGH, MP. as our Chief Guest, Sen. Dr. Lelegwe Ltumbesi, Ph.D., MP.(Samburu), Sen. Dr. Langat Christopher, MP.(Bomet), Sen. Philip Mbayei, MP. (Kajiado), Sen. Falhada Iman, MP. (Nominated), Hon. Maison Leshoomo, Hon. Naisula Lesuuda and MCAs from Meru County, at the Launch of our Strategic Plan 2019-2023 & Standing Orders on 16/01/2020.

The County Assembly of Samburu will dedicate its energy and resources to ensure the implementation of our Strategic Plan 2019 – 2020. In so doing, we will deliver on our Constitutional mandate of Legislation, Oversight, Representation, and Budgeting.

Previous Launch of the NAWIRI PROGRAM


  • Jhon Doe
    February 24, 2021


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County Assembly of Samburu
P.O. Box 3 - 20600 Maralal, Kenya

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