Maralal, Samburu
Maralal, Samburu

Word from the Speaker

I take this opportunity to welcome you to our official County Assembly Website. As your Speaker, I will do all that is lawfully and humanly possible to facilitate the process of passage of county governance laws and setting the pace for the sustained economic growth and development of our beloved county, Samburu.

Hon. Steve Lenamarle Speaker

Representation Of People

This is an important function of the County Assembly to encourage and facilitate participation

Legislative Mandate

County Assembly makes new laws, changes existing laws and repeals laws that are no longer needed.

Oversight Authority

The true test of democracy in Samburu County is the extent to which the County Assembly can


Word from the Speaker

Hon. Steve Lenamarle – Samburu County Assembly Speaker

I take this opportunity to welcome you to our official County Assembly Website. As your Speaker, I will do all that is lawfully and humanly possible to facilitate the process of passage of county governance laws and setting the pace for the sustained economic growth and development of our beloved county, Samburu. The County Assembly of Samburu, as a people’s Assembly will represent, legislate and oversee good governance in our county.

The Clerk of the County Assembly of Samburu is Hon. Patrick Leshore. The functions of the County Assembly Clerk include the following:

  • Administrative head of the County Assembly
  • The Accounting Officer/ Authorized Officer for the County Assembly

The third County Assembly of Samburu was consitituted on the swearing in ceremony of 28th September 2022, with both elected and specially elected members presided by the Clerk of the County Assembly, Mr. Patrick Leshore

Word from the Clerk

Mr Fred Leparleen – County Assembly Clerk

As the Clerk of the County Assembly of Samburu, I take this opportunity to welcome you to our official Assembly website. Like most county assemblies we are striving to capacity build both the members of the county assembly and staff through seminars and workshops, site visits and simulations. As a county assembly, we are striving towards running our business openly and with integrity, on behalf of the people of Samburu County.

The Clerk of the County Assembly of Samburu is Mr Fred Leparleen. The functions of the County Assembly Clerk include the following:

  • Administrative head of the County Assembly
  • The Accounting Officer/ Authorized Officer for the County Assembly
  • Secretary to the County Assembly Service Board
  • Responsible for implementation of all policy decisions of the County Assembly Service Board
County Assembly of Samburu
P.O. Box 3 - 20600 Maralal, Kenya

Copyright © 2025 Samburu County Assembly. All Rights Reserved.
